Sound walk in Tonnay-Charente
Recreational activities
in Tonnay-Charente
Embark on a thirty-minute stroll, punctuated by immersive listening through headphones, along the quay. Let the sounds, the stories and the flows approach, cross, go around, emerge from the ground, the mud and the memories.
Along the way, the blossoming of sound bubbles, the voices of the inhabitants and the soundscapes reveal a story on the border between reality and imagination. Inventories à la Prévert, testimonies and music bring to life the colours of the mud, the waves of the tides...Embark on a thirty-minute stroll, punctuated by immersive listening through headphones, along the quay. Let the sounds, the stories and the flows approach, cross, go around, emerge from the ground, the mud and the memories.
Along the way, the blossoming of sound bubbles, the voices of the inhabitants and the soundscapes reveal a story on the border between reality and imagination. Inventories à la Prévert, testimonies and music bring to life the colours of the mud, the waves of the tides and the river trade, linked to the cognac industry, but also the life of the quays with its cafés, its walkers and its fishermen.
Duration: 30 minutes / From 7 years old
Free access on smartphone by scanning the QR Code on site
Bring your own headphones.
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